We use the best French lab to make implants in medical titanium grade V and smooth surface. The choice of this material and its manufacturing process exclude all risks of peri-implantitis related to the release of titanium over time and has been making implantology perennial in our practice for more than 30 years.
The surgical techniques used are minimally invasive and make implant placement painless. For example, when there is not enough bone to place an implant, bone stimulation is a simple technique that allows the bone to regenerate itself in a non-invasive way without resorting to constraining grafts.
Nowadays, several treatments are available not to remain toothless while respecting the healing time. While waiting for implants or healing of the gum, transition teeth are now being placed.
In the case of extensive or complete loss of teeth, the new teeth are placed no later than 48 hours after the implants. This method is called “immediate loading”.

Sometimes, in some cases of extreme bone atrophy, conventional implantology has its limitations: especially when the bone is present in too small quantity or of poor quality.
In this case, we will use basal implantology and implants specifically designed without using invasive treatments such as grafts, distraction osteogenesis or dermal sinus (sinus lift).
Implant failures following grafts can also be treated successfully. This highly specialized technique has shown excellent results for over thirty years at the clinic.